Friday, October 28, 2022

Roadkill isn't overly appetizing, oddly enough....

When I was a kid Pizza Burgers were a thing. They were actually two different things. One our high school made them - I have no idea what they were - but they looked like an English muffin with sauce and cheese on top, the second? Some awful dish my mom's family made. Ok Ipema family, I'm sorry if you are all about them but gray meat sauce on a bun never made our day as kids. In our house they became known as Road Pizza Burgers... sometimes we'd add Roadkill to the front... Not our thing. Andy tried them once... he said they were good if he closed his eyes. In our house we made Pizza Burgers but they weren't burgers they were English Muffin Pizzas. Use the English muffin as your crust and go to town with the toppings. This time of year we are making mummy pizzas! I used a veggie peeler to get long strips of mozzarella to look like bandages and cut up some pepperoni for eyes. It's an easy way to get the kids involved and make your own pizzas.

English Muffin Pizzas

4 English muffins, split
½ cup canned pizza sauce
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
16 slices pepperoni

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Place the English muffin halves cut side up onto a baking sheet. Spoon some of the pizza sauce onto each one. Top with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni slices.
Bake for 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the cheese is melted and browned on the edges.

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