Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Stinky Smelly Seedy Bagels

My kids have bagels for breakfast almost every day and oh man they smell good. When you are trying to rock a lower-carb life and a lesser calorie life - bagels aren't really on there. Thankful skinny pizza dough can be turned into all sorts of fun things, one of them - bagels. I did a crazy thing and weighed out each bagel-making sure it was 3 ounces before I baked it. Using everything bagel seasoning makes it even more amazing. They are amazing out of the oven, but also delicious the next few days toasted with some whipped cream cheese on them. My kids try to snag my bagels too but when they see all those crazy seeds on top they pull their noses up... that's called winning as a parent.

Skinny Pizza Dough Bagels
1/2 - 3/4 cup water
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 cups self-rising flour

1 egg
Everything But the Bagel Seasoning

Heat oven to 425.
In a bowl, mix the flour, salt and yeast together. Stir in the yogurt and mix until it starts to combine. Add up to 3/4 cup of water until combined. Start with 1/2 a cup and see how much of the flour is being incorporated. If there is still a bit of loose flour in the bowl, add a couple tablespoons of water at a time, until it forms a ball that you can roll out and knead on your counter.
It might be a bit sticky - but place just a couple tablespoons of flour on your counter, and work that into the dough - it won't be sticky anymore.
Roll out snake of dough and make bagel shape. Mix egg with a little water and paint on bagels. Shake on lots of Everything But the Bagel Seasoning.
Bake 20 minutes.

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