Friday, June 21, 2024

To have and to hold...

10 years ago we had a snow/cold day from work. One of the few where we were told to work from home if we could and if not - do what you can. At the time we were at different jobs and had less options for remote work. That was the last time I made these Rice Krispie Treats... with extra marshmallows. Recently I'd been looking online for a good price on the marshmallow bits in my late night scrolling hours. I walked into work one morning - and there sat a 2 1/2 pound container of the exact thing I was looking at on Amazon... Did I accidentally order them? Did someone spy on my browsing history? What on earth!! Turns out they were a gag gift at someone's family Christmas and they brought them in. He encouraged me to take some home - and so I did! 10 years almost to the day of that snow/cold day - the kids had a snow day/remote day from school - what did I make? These amazing Rice Krispie Treats. The recipe is the same- my tips also remain the same. The pan? is almost empty and I'll be making another batch for our Iowa family coming in next weekend. I might have to get my own 2 1/2 pound container to have and hold myself... maybe...

Rice Krispie Treats
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
45 regular marshmallows
6 cups Rice Krispies cereal
2 cups marshmallow bits (optional)

Microwave butter/margarine and marshmallows in 90 second intervals until it can be stirred and is well incorporated.
Add Rice Krispies cereal . Stir until well coated.
Press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut. Enjoy.

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