By now you probably know my family does a cookie exchange at Christmas time. Well, we call it sweets and treats since we don’t like to be limited to cookies. Good thing my sister-in-law Allison knows no such limits. She brought this awesome Caramel Corn. I got a sneak taste the night before while babysitting. I’ve made two batches since that night – a mere few weeks ago. Anywhere we take it – it’s all eaten up. Be careful when stirring it while baking. Andy found out the hard way… those little puffs get coated with sugar and stick amazingly well to any skin – and stay stuck there. Oh – and they are hot… really hot. So… be careful and all will be wonderfully caramel and corny.
Caramel CornWhat you need!2 (8oz) Okie Dokie Corn Puffs
2 sticks butter
2 cups brown sugar
½ cup light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp baking soda
Make it!Grease roasting pan and pour puffs into pan. In deep sauce pan, combine butter, brown sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla. Bring to a boil for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in baking soda (mixture will foam). Pour onto puffs and stir until puffs and well coated.
Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool on wax paper.
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