Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Professional Caterpillar Hair Installer

Remember the horror of the Cat in the Hat cake?  Oh good… it’s no longer as fresh in your mind as it is in mine. :)  Let’s talk about Anika’s cake.
Since most one year old’s don’t really have a favorite thing or idea for a cake – this one I picked.  Since she’s a good eater, I saw The Hungry Caterpillar cupcake cake online and knew I could make that one!
Andy was the official hair installer on this project.  See all the hair on the Caterpillar?  He painstakingly picked out all the long chocolate jimmies and made sure they were all placed perfectly.  Now you may think that’s not a hard job… you try to sort through sprinkles and try to stick them in frosting.  This is not a shake on sprinkle kind of project.  Skill I tell you! (Am I doing a good job talking him up? He did great – and didn’t send me to the loony bin after this night – so any and all his help was appreciated.)
It was fun to color two different batches of green frosting and pipe them together in the same bag.  Made the end result look that much more cool. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute idea! I'll have to try it. Somehow I can't picture Uncle Rog Painstakingly placing hair though!


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