Tuesday, November 23, 2021

When no one likes dinner...

Look at this casserole - doesn't it look good?
Doesn't it look like it would be a family favorite?
The answer to both of those is No... absolutely not.
When Andy eats dinner and plows through his water, I know he's not a fan of what we are eating. Bronwyn made a fussy face before we even sat down to eat. Nicholas? Has a random fever again so he just put his hand on his head and ate because that's what he was supposed to do.
Don't worry - I'm not going to give you the recipe, because it wasn't good. Why would you mix 2 cups of chicken broth and two eggs into stuffing? Just no. Sopping wet stuffing. I mean some people like wet stuffing, my family isn't one of them.
Also.. this thing had 2 tsp of sage and 1 of thyme... I mean sure it tasted like Thanksgiving... but Thanksgiving that was a tad... extra.
so anyway... enjoy the picture - be thankful not to have the recipe.

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