Friday, March 22, 2019

Pretty cookies filled with deliciousness - huge mistakes make.

Chocolate and Peppermint isn't really my thing. I mean, sure it's nice sometimes, but sometimes it's too much - so much... SO much. I found a recipe for Hot Chocolate Peppermint Meringue Sandwich Cookies which sounds like a mouthful but they weren't.
First off, meringue cookies take an eternity to bake in the oven. I had thoughts of using this REALLY cool new piping tip that I got... well... my piping skills suck and well it didn't work so well - so onto a star tip. But really - three hours in the oven. That's a lot of traffic in the oven if you have other things to bake. It took some planning to be sure traffic was clear.
Second, when you fill them - with deep dark ganache - they absorb the moisture and become less crisp and more squishy, which is a sin because of those 3 hours you spent waiting for the timer to go off and finally remove those masterpieces from the oven. So pro tip - fill them RIGHT before serving.
Even if I do think these didn't turn out as I hoped, I sure did have fun making them. Lots of fun techniques to test my brain and see if they'd work. I will use that fancy tip someday... when I have the courage. Besides - they tasted great - Nicholas really liked them too. If they had been crunchy - he wouldn't have been a fan. So sure... I did it on purpose.... maybe..... not.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Meringue Cookie Recipe (makes 24 meringue cookie sandwiches)
2 egg whites (about 1/2 cup)
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 packet (.73 oz) hot chocolate mix

Ganache filling
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 cup chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract

1) Combine egg whites and cream of tartar. Beat on high until white and frothy. Slowly add the sugar and continue to mix until peaks form.
2) Gently fold in the hot chocolate mix.
3) Fit a pastry bag with a large round tip (I used a tip 804) and pipe the meringue onto a parchment lined sheet tray. You can also cut a hole in the corner of a zip-top bag to pipe the meringue.
4) Bake the meringue for 3 hours at 200ºF, or until they are crispy.
5) Boil the heavy cream and pour it over the chocolate chips. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes, add the peppermint extract, then stir until smooth.
6) Refrigerate the ganache until it thickens, about one hour.
7) Sandwich the meringues together with the ganache.

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