Friday, May 31, 2019

Pizza with holes is still pizza

Pizza - it's delicious, well most of the time.
One leftover night I had a taste for pizza but had no crust to make it. I saw that you could make a pizza crust from self-rising flour and greek yogurt. Crazy right? That I'd randomly have those ingredients but not a crust? Well... that's life sometimes. So I go once again half reading directions - oh sure roll it out thin... well I used a rolling pin and got it thin but knew I wasn't getting that off the foil - well... let's bake it anyway. Best intentions right? It was supposed to go onto greased foil - not just foil. Keep that detail handy - you'll need it later... Well, you par-bake it - then put your toppings on. After the first bake, I took it out and spent FAR too long pealing foil off the bottom of my pretty crust. Ugh. So frustrating. Guess what would have fixed that? Greased foil. So I had holey pizza - mostly because I got hungry and just ripped it off.
My feelings? Good - it's not my mom's yeasty pizza dough goodness - but it was good. Added sauce, mushrooms, onions, and cheese and I had a real pizza! I certainly plan to make it again.

2 Ingredient Pizza Dough
To make 2 balls of dough:
1/2 cup self rising flour
1/2 cup fat free Greek Yogurt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Combine self rising flour and Greek yogurt to make the dough.
Divide into two equal pieces. You can freeze one and use the other.
Turn the dough you will be using onto a floured surface and knead.
Roll out dough and place in a small greased pizza pan.
Bake for 5 minutes at 450. Keep an eye out for it not to get too brown.
Remove from oven and top with sauce, cheese, and toppings.
Return to oven and bake for another 10 minutes, checking to make sure it doesn't get too dark.

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