Friday, December 10, 2021

A bushel or eight...

In efforts to use as many pears as we could - we embarked on some old fashioned pear preserves. I didn't even know what this meant but it used 8 cups of pears and sounded delcious. Bronwyn is my expert pear peeler - she oddly lovess it, and I love that she loves it! She was home quarantined from school (didn't we do this last year too?) and had finished her homework quickly so she could help me. I was so excited, I thought I'd found a recipe that didn't need to sit overnight and as I read it... oh... sit overnight. Darn it. First think Saturday morning I turned on the heat and it bubbled away. Wow it smelled amazing. On toast with some butter? Who knew I was missing this all my life? Need some pears to make this? Come on over and pick a bushel or eight!

Old Fashioned Pear Preserves
8 c pears
5 c sugar
1/4 c lemon juice
1 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground allspice
2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 c brown sugar

How To Make
Peel, core, and slice pears into 1/2 to 3/4 inch pieces, then measure out 8 cups.
In a stock pot mix pears with the 5 cups of sugar and 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Gently combine all. Let set in pot over night, cover with light towel or single layer of sheeting material.
Next morning, put stock pot of pears on med/low stove burner. Stir gently to mix. Juices from pears, lemon juice, and sugar will have made a liquid over night. Bring to a low boil. Turn down to simmer and cook slowly 3 to 4 hours or until pears are clear and pink and syrup thickens. More sugar may be added once cup at a time during last part of cooking process until desired thickness is reached. Be careful not to add too much sugar, just gently stir often and observe.
Have jars and lids sterilized in boiling water. 8 1/2 pint jars and 8 lids. Leave on simmer.
When desired doneness is reached, remove from heat; stir in brown sugar, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg.
Fill sterilized jars to 1/2 inch of top, wipe off rim of jar with a wet cloth to remove any syrup that may have dripped on rim. Top with lids and rings, tighten firmly.
Process jars in boiling water 10 minutes to seal, (water should be heating while filling jars). Store in cool, dry, place away from direct light. Makes about seven 1/2 pint jars.

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